مصر میں اخوان المسلمین کے 8 رہنماؤں کو موت کی سزا دی گئی


The military court in Egypt has sentenced 8 leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to death. According to international media, among these leaders is the 8th Supreme Guide, 80-year-old Mohamed Badie, who has been under strict restrictions for a long time. It should be noted that a few years ago, Mohamed Badie was sentenced to death but later his sentence was changed to life imprisonment.

Egypt designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in 2013. This action by the Egyptian government came after the military overthrew President Morsi’s government following anti-government protests. Subsequently, 18 people were killed in violent clashes in the Sidhi Gaber district of Alexandria.

The government attributed all the violence to the Muslim Brotherhood, while the Muslim Brotherhood has denied involvement in the killings. After the ousting of President Morsi, several leaders of the Islamist group have been sentenced to death.

Among those sentenced to death is the 79-year-old Deputy Supreme Guide, Mahmoud Ezzat, who was arrested in August 2020 after years in hiding in Cairo.

Six other leaders, namely Mohamed El-Beltagy, Amr Mohamed Zaghloul, Osama Yassin, Safwat Hegazy, Assem Abdel-Majid, and Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud, have also been sentenced to death.

The Supreme State Security Prosecution had sent the case to the State Security Criminal Court in April 2021. The charges in this case ranged from organizing a rally on Rabaa Al-Adawiya Street in eastern Cairo to holding a gathering at the “Platform Memorial.”


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