لاہور؛ ڈاکو اسلحے کے زور میں نوجوان کی چھین لی۔


Photo: Screen Grab

Lahore: Even sacrificial animals are not safe from dacoits, as armed dacoits in a car forcefully took two goats from a young man in Samanabad, and the CCTV footage of the incident has gone viral.

According to Express News, the incident of armed dacoits forcefully taking two goats from a young man in Samanabad, near Rasool Park in Lahore, was captured in the CCTV footage.

In the viral footage, the young man can be seen leaving his house with the goats, when three dacoits in a white car arrive. One of the dacoits threatens the owner of the goats with a weapon.

The other two dacoits grab the goats and put them in the car, while the armed dacoit threatens the young man and forces him to sit in the car before they flee.

Samanabad police have registered a case and have begun legal action against the dacoits.


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