فرانس نے آئینی حق کو قرار دینے والے پہلے ملک بن گیا


In the French Assembly, a bill granting constitutional rights to abortion rights was passed with 780 votes in favor and 72 against. Photo: File

Paris: The French Parliament has approved a bill to include abortion rights in the constitution with a strong majority. According to a global news agency, with the approval of this bill, France has become the first country to grant women the right to terminate pregnancy in a respectful manner. 780 members voted in favor of the bill, while 72 voted against it.
Under this amendment, the constitution clarifies that this law determines the conditions under which women can access abortion services and guarantees women’s right to choose abortion.
This move by France is considered a step ahead of Yugoslavia, which stated in its constitution of 1974 that a person is free to decide to have children.
French President Emmanuel Macron had proposed granting women the constitutional right to abortion in response to a court order in the United States two years ago depriving women of the right to abortion.
It should be noted that abortion has been legal in France since 1975 and now it has also become a constitutional right. There is also significant support for abortion rights at the political and governmental levels.


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