سعودی عرب اور ملکی و غیر ملکی معاشی انقلاب کو یکساں دلائیں، وزیر اعظم


Islamabad: Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Turkey, and Pakistan can together bring about a global economic revolution.

In an interview given to Arab media, Shahbaz Sharif stated that in the global economic revolution, China can also be included along with Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, and Turkey.

He said that attention can be given to the information technology and investment sectors in order to bring about economic revolution.

Shahbaz Sharif mentioned that immediately after Eid, the Saudi Foreign Minister visited Pakistan with a high-level delegation, and we discussed investment, which proved to be very beneficial and fruitful.

Praising the leadership of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman, Shahbaz Sharif said that he has done a lot of work in Saudi Arabia and in eight years has completely changed the face of the country. Due to his leadership skills, there has been significant progress and development in Saudi Arabia.


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