راجکمار راؤ نے شاہ رخ خان کی ایک جھلک دیکھنے کے لئے پورا دن ‘منت’ کے باہر کھڑا رہا


Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rajkumar Rao has revealed that once he stood outside Mannat all day just to catch a glimpse of King Khan.
In a recent interview, the actor revealed that when he came to Mumbai, he was restless to see Shah Rukh Khan and stood outside his house all day just to catch a glimpse of his favorite actor.
Talking about his first meeting with Shah Rukh Khan, the actor mentioned that when he got the opportunity to meet King Khan, he had rehearsed his introduction formally.
Rajkumar Rao shared that he was amazed when Shah Rukh Khan told him that he already knew everything about him.


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