برطانیہ؛ 75 سالہ پاکستانی کو عمر قید کے حکم کا نفاذ، خاتون پولیس افسر کے قتل کے مقدمے میں ملوث


During a robbery in 2005, the suspect shot and killed a female police officer.

London: In Britain, a 75-year-old Pakistani man named Piran Ditta Khan was sentenced to life in prison on November 18, 2005, for the murder of a female police officer. According to international news agencies, Piran Ditta Khan was involved in a robbery at a travel agency 20 years ago where a female police officer arrived with a colleague and the suspect opened fire.

The female officer was fatally shot and Piran Ditta Khan fled to Pakistan, while the other suspects were arrested one by one, with all receiving sentences. Khan was the main suspect who shot police officer Sharon Beshenovsky and could not be apprehended as he fled to Pakistan.

Subsequently, Britain contacted Pakistan for Khan’s arrest and extradition. In 2020, he was finally arrested in Pakistan. Legal and procedural matters were ongoing between the two countries for Khan’s extradition, and ultimately, he was extradited from Pakistan to Britain last year.

Evidence against the suspect was present, and a retrial was initiated. Today, the suspect has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.


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