آئی جی سندھ نے منشیات کے خلاف ٹاسک فورس کو فوری بحال کرنے کا حکم دیدیا


The Inspector General of Sindh Police, Ghulam Nabi Memon, took charge of his duties by leading the first meeting and video conference at the Central Police Office. In the meeting, all additional IGs, DIGs, SSPs, and other senior officers at the provincial level participated via video link.
During the meeting, the current law and order situation in Sindh, police security plans including crime prevention, organized crime, and other serious crimes were discussed, and necessary directives were issued to strengthen the investigation department.
IG Sindh ordered the immediate reactivation of the task force against gambling, smuggling, and drugs, stating that if intelligence reports provided by the Special Branch are found to be incorrect, the personnel responsible for providing false intelligence reports will be dismissed from their jobs. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against areas where gambling, smuggling, organized crime, and drug dens are active but reports are not provided.
He emphasized that there is no room for corrupt practices in the police department, and all SSPs must ensure their presence in their official offices from 10 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon. During this time, not only should scheduled meetings be conducted with the public, but their complaints should also be addressed promptly.
It was stated that the free registration process of FIRs should be made real and people-friendly, otherwise, SHOs and other officials would have to face strict disciplinary actions. Women police officers should also be entrusted with important responsibilities at the department level to prevent crimes against women and children.
IG Sindh also instructed that officers at the investigation department who show expertise, experience, and capability will be promoted on a one-step basis, but seniority will not be considered. Every investigator officer’s progress will be checked based on their performance and qualifications.
Only 54 out of 171 traffic signals in the city were reported to be functioning correctly, prompting IG Sindh to send comprehensive recommendations to the Sindh government for approval. The responsibility for the maintenance and restoration of traffic lights was handed over to the Traffic Engineering Bureau in a systematic manner.
IG Sindh further said that the installation of cameras on traffic lights and the appointment of armed traffic police officers should be carried out so that traffic laws can be adhered to and crimes like violations of traffic rules can be effectively prevented.
Part of the revenue obtained from the issuance of tickets and fines should also be allocated for the maintenance of these cameras and other important matters, as well as making the use of helmets mandatory for motorcyclists, in order to prevent overspeeding and reckless driving. The Traffic Police were warned by IG Sindh that the presence of toll booths on roads, highways, and other locations should be immediately eliminated, otherwise strict disciplinary action would be taken against traffic police officers and youths involved in such activities.


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