عمران خان نے پاکستان میں جو مشرقی ہوا پیدا کی تھی، وہ آج بھی ہے


Despite the expensive government, Imran Khan founder of PTI said that he can meet with General (R) Bajwa twice, can meet with anyone.
Rahul Pindi: PTI founder Imran Khan said that the image of the army was tarnished the day they sat with thieves, that what is happening in eastern Pakistan is now happening here, an attempt is being made to control us by reducing our mandate just like eastern Pakistan.
In a media interview in Adiala Jail, Imran Khan said that in the TO Shah case, the value of the graff jewelry set was shown as three billion and we were sentenced, we obtained quotations from three more places for the graff jewelry set, according to which the set is worth one crore 80 lakh.
He said that in August when I was arrested the police entered my bedroom and took my passport and checkbook, Beshri Bibi had transferred valuable items present in Bani Gala somewhere else, ISI made an employee of Inam Shah and TO Shah jail a witness against me, TO Shah to determine the value of the graff jewelry set in Dubai. A quotation for the release of TO Shah Jillane, reference was made against Chairman NAB and Inam Shah.
Imran Khan said that General Asim Munir sentenced Bushra Bibi in the TO Shah reference to break me, Fawad Chaudhry had already held a press conference but despite that he was snatched away to make him a witness, Pervez Elahi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi will hold a press conference today to end their cases.
He said that Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Faiz Isa remembers Faisalabad case and Bhutto case but Justice Faiz Isa is not seeing that people are stuck in military jails.
Imran Khan said “18th March I was planning to kill in the judicial complex 24 hours earlier. I had taken over the judicial complex, many people who were in the judicial complex Why is CTV not revealing the footage?”
Imran Khan said “It was a London plan between Asim Munir and Nawaz Sharif the judges were also included, ISI did the decisions of the judges, what tookers place in East Pakistan is happening today, Mejb Rahman ruined the country by stealing the mandate from East Pakistan just like before, in the Mechai Rahman Commission report it is written that Majib won the election, just like in East Pakistan, our mandate is still being reduced by trying to control us.”

Imran Khan said that “at present the king is behind and Muhzimuki was created. Shahbaz Sharif is cutting the rope, he has no power, the country’s economy has started to sink Askar Zardari and the Sharif family are billions outside the country. The agencies are threatening there is illegality in the country.”
Imran Khan said that “Asif Zardari has said that a political party is ruining the image of the army, the image of the army was in the sky on that day when thieves sat with them, Zardari and Sharif families were told about their corruption by the ISI and General Bajwa. They got cars from the house of To Shah why is their case not being heard?”

The PTI founder said that “the whole nation knows that Asim Munir is running the country, even before the decision of General Asim Munir was sent a message through Arif Alvi that we are not your opponents. It was conveyed that we know about his London plan, Ali Zaidi was in contact and also sent a message through him that stay neutral and let the country run We were told that he will remain neutral, I do not accept anyone’s slavery, it is better to die than slavery.”
When asked about the issue of giving poison to Bushra Bibi, Imran Khan said that “until Bushra Bibi’s endoscopy is done, it cannot be known, when something goes inside, it is not visible from the surface.”
When asked if there is a test done today, Imran Khan said that Imran Munir targeted my wife himself If something happens to me and my wife, General Asim Munir will be responsible, I want to send a message to General Asim Munir that a plan makes a man and a plan of God is successful.”
Imran Khan said “the nation should be prepared to die for its freedom, It should be ready to be enslaved, I will give my full sacrifice. If I step back from politics today, everything will be fine.”
He said “when the price increases, Noon League’s funeral will be out, the aristocracy in power does not matter, all their money is abroad, hope now only comes from judges, six judges who remain standing. I salute them all. All judges know what is happening, save the future of the country, because investment only comes from the superiority of the law, the one from where the judges are being threatened. Only when the judges’ superiority of the law is established then investment will come to the country.”
When asked that Benazir Bhutto said that some people within the party are being accused of being American agents, Imran Khan said “some of our people are in contact with the establishment who want to break the party, they are the ones accusing Bibi of being an American” Agent.”
When asked is this the reason that committees formed within the party are being reconstituted, Imran Khan said “The committees have been formed for routine political matters; the final decision will be made by the committee.”.


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