صرف مذاکرات اور کچھ نہ کچھ اور! – ایکسپریس اردو


It is necessary for us to work with caution and control. Whether they are political figures or officials of state institutions, everyone needs to stay within their legal and constitutional limits. What is the issue? A popular political party of the country has been facing challenges. This is not something new; every action and reaction is in front of everyone.

Successfully pushing back the elements of public acceptance is certainly not wisdom. The military institutions still hold respect and honor in the hearts of the people. They have made immense sacrifices for the security of Pakistan and for countering terrorism. The torches of their sacrifices are still shining bright. I have had the opportunity to work closely with state institutions in practical life. I myself studied in a military college for five years.

I would like to mention Cadet College Hasan Abdal, which has produced many successful officers in the Pakistan Armed Forces. I understand the thinking and discipline of the military well. I must say that our military institutions are counted among the best in the world. Our atomic program, which is a source of pride not only for the country but for the entire Islamic world, is a testament to the dedication of our defense institutions.

A delicate matter has been raised. Now it is happening that the political figures who have been controlling the fate of the country for thirty-five years are feeling that their legs were made of salt which have dissolved in the flood of public reaction. Therefore, they want to increase the atmosphere of crisis in any case because their political survival depends on it. This is a point that everyone understands, but talking about it has become difficult.

According to a specific wisdom, the political opportunists have tried to reach the interests of the country and the people and have also tried to receive a certificate of patriotism. In the current situation, the practical wisdom of the former politicians is not succeeding. Because the people have understood their dual actions. They are not willing to change their political affiliation in any way. This issue has now escalated to the point of opposition.

This political war is by no means ordinary. It has countless dimensions. Our country’s enemies are actively involved through their puppets. This political uncertainty is now paralyzing the country’s system. Economic progress is a distant matter; any capitalist is not ready to keep or invest their capital in the country. The rich people of Pakistan have taken their capital out with great ease, this is a natural attitude of wealth.

The first priority of the government is to find secure shelters. But now failed politicians at the public level are busy playing a dangerous game and are succeeding in it. What is this game? It’s a game of competing with state institutions using public power. One thing should be understood, even the most complex minds of politicians cannot understand the best officers in state institutions.

Politicians, by putting a cloak of patriotism on their faces, quickly achieve success in institutions. It should be understood that no institution can replace the other, and it has not been able to. This is an established fact but the game of increasing distrust is now so strong that understanding and reducing the temperature is necessary for national security, and this is what patriotism demands.

I want to give an example that will give you an idea of what is happening and what is being shown. The terms of the IPP contracts are very strict, but the question is who approved them. They were approved by democratically elected assemblies, not by any military rulers. In this regard, whatever you say, it doesn’t matter; the reason for the circular debts is this. Politicians are playing the propaganda game against military institutions with full force.

Their educated pawns take you towards the defense budget. Sometimes they start proving legitimate considerations as illegitimate. Sometimes they say that the country cannot bear economic defense expenditures. Although this propaganda is very negative. According to impartial research, our defense institutions are working so well with limited resources that the world is surprised and worried. Just think what a few political captives are earning in every way, but they are busy in cutting the roots of national defense with extreme caution and cunning.

Now everyone has recognized this game. Increasing political propaganda, giving it air on social media and other platforms of communication, is in the personal interest of this class. Their families, their businesses, wealth, social relationships, and neighborhoods are in Toronto, Mississauga, Montreal, Vancouver, New York, Houston, London, Dubai, and Paris.

God forbid if a bad time comes for the country, they will gather everything and settle in Western countries. But our institutions and people will breathe in every situation. The question arises, what practical wisdom should be adopted now to advance towards internal stability. First, we still have individuals who can talk to different stakeholders from both sides through back channels and achieve success. The effort should be made for these serious individuals, who have some relation to every class of thought.

In the current situation, such a difficult task cannot be achieved by just one or two individuals. Former army chiefs, unbiased politicians, neutral retired judges can also be included. This will not be a legal forum, these individuals, at this time, can successfully negotiate with both sides and cool off the situation. Reports suggest that the most opposition to the peace message comes from individuals elected on Form 47. Because if there is internal stability and issues are resolved, it is a political defeat for these few political parties.

Remember that at this time, the issue needs understanding. Tehreek-e-Insaf should also create political friction within itself. And discussions should be held with circles that can yield results, there is no benefit in talking to unrelated people. It will be just a waste of time. These negotiations, if held abroad, are much better. It should also be mentioned that staying completely away from the noise of the media can be a sign of success. It also needs to be decided who will initiate. Historical analogies will be offered. Negotiations are always stronger and stronger for a powerful and strong team.

It is known that my words will be interpreted in different, even contradictory meanings. But bringing back the country’s stability and economic power is the most important. This is a good and essential matter. It should not be suspended for a moment. Remember that the solution to every bitterness lies only in wisdom.

Think calmly, for the sake of the country. For the sake of twenty-five crore citizens. Political forces and strong institutions should take steps towards negotiations. The country is most important. There is no doubt that the security of the country, our military strength, is hidden in the people and the institutional national power can move us towards progress. But everyone knows, which side will oppose these negotiations?


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